Lifelong Recovery Lived

What are the Behaviors for a Male Teenager Eating Disorders?

Written by Stonewater Recovery | Nov 15, 2021 5:00:00 AM

When discussing teenage boys, often you will hear parents talk about their grocery bill and how they have a difficult time keeping their pantry or refrigerator stocked because of their growing bodies. Having quick fix meals and snacks readily available for these developing boys may not only hurt the pocketbook but may also give them the wrong perception. Food can be very easily be deemed as a substitute for affection with parents who may work a ton or lead busy lives.

Instead of using the family larder as the proverbial action of making your way into a man's heart through his stomach, your son's diet should be monitored for health and mental reasons. Making sure that he is eating the right amounts and right kinds of healthy food rather than binging copious amounts of junk food or not consuming enough in order to lose weight is important. These types of behaviors could manifest into an eating disorder.

You may be confused with even the idea of an eating disorder progressing within a male because the thought of eating disorders are typically associated with females. The reality concerning eating disorders is that each year approximately 10 million males are reported to have an eating disorder at some point in their life. There are three types of behaviors that are typically recognized in eating disorders which could help you to discover your teen's eating disorder much quicker and get them the help they need.  

Limiting calories to achieve a muscular body.

They will consume small amounts of food or focus on certain kinds of food along with intense workouts to decrease the amount of fat to gain more muscle.

Purging calories to maintain a slender body.

They will use laxatives or vomiting so they can continue to eat fatty and high-calorie foods that make them able to cope with the pressure of their teenage years while staying thin.

Binging calories to endure the shame of their obese body.

They are unable to control their eating and will take in more calories than their body even needs in a single sitting.

Teenage boys are good at hiding the signs of eating disorders because of the feminine stigma that causes them to become despondent to the information that is usually targeted to females. Seeking help from your doctor or mental health professional can assist your teenage boy come to terms with his eating disorder from his male perspective that can help to stop the behavior all together.

Stonewater Adolescent Recovery Center leads the way with progressive, evidence-based programming to most effectively treat each individual adolescent while focusing on the uniqueness of each client. Healing the mind, the body, and the spirit as one in the same can make the biggest difference in staying sober.

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