Lifelong Recovery Lived

How to Nurture Emotional Intelligence & Resilience

Written by Stonewater Recovery | Mar 4, 2024 9:50:20 PM

Learning how to deal with the stressors of life in a healthy, productive way may be one of the greatest things we can teach our children. I have watched too many young adults come into Stonewater as a result of unhealthy coping mechanisms that spiraled out of control. Whether we like it or not, our teens learn from what they see around them. The prevalence of technology in this fast paced world means our children are exposed to all manner of unhealthy ways of dealing with life. It’s up to us to provide them with the tools necessary to navigate life. In this blog, we'll explore 10 habits that can set your son on a path to success by promoting emotional intelligence and mental well-being.


The Power of Sharing Feelings


Effective communication is a skill on the verge of being lost. Teaching your teens the art of open, two-way communication fosters emotional intelligence and strengthens relationships. Creating a home-life that is rich in expression and encourages the sharing of thoughts and emotions should be celebrated.  

Mindfulness Made Easy

Starting your kids out early on mindfulness will pay dividends later in life. Simple practices like breathwork and meditation can be incorporated into their routines. These easy to do things teach healthy ways to manage stress, gain awareness of emotions, and provide insight into thought patterns. Mindfulness practices help with anxiety and depression. 


Game of Play

There is a positive correlation between inactivity and mental health issues. Incorporating play into your adolescents life from a young age can combat the idea of physical activity being a chore. Sports and exercise promote teamwork, healthy internal and external competition, overcoming adversity and tenacity. Exercise is also a great way to manage stress.


Friendship 101

Explore the nuances of healthy friendships with your son or daughter. Discuss the importance of empathy, kindness, and the dynamics of effective communication. Nurturing positive relationships can contribute significantly to their emotional well-being. Healthy friendships create healthy people. 

Goal Setting for the Win

There’s an old saying that goes, “How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.” This proverb is meant to illustrate the power of setting and achieving goals. Learning how to set realistic goals is a great way to develop a foundation for future success. Breaking down larger objectives into achievable steps gives a sense of accomplishment and resilience in the face of setbacks. Anything is possible with a good plan.

The Puzzle of Problem-Solving

As adults, we know that everyday presents a new set of problems. Learning how to transform challenges into opportunities is an invaluable skill. Teach your kids problem-solving skills. Guide them in critical thinking, helping them analyze situations, consider consequences, and make informed decisions.

Balancing Act

Life is a balancing act between doing what we want to do and what we need to do. It is true that technology has become an integral part of our daily lives, but too often young adults get caught up in wanting to spend all their time on their phone, laptop, tablet, etc. This is unhealthy and can have detrimental long-term effects. Encourage alternative activities that stimulate creativity and social interaction, creating a healthy equilibrium in his lifestyle.

Embracing Failure as Growth

Our kids learn from what they see us do. Sharing your stories of failure and how you bounced back from setbacks teaches them that you don’t always reach success the first time. That failure is a natural part of any journey. Teach them that we learn from our shortcomings and use them as stepping stones towards growth and achievement.

Mentors Matter

Who your kids spend time around matters. Introducing your son or daughter to a positive role model or mentor who embodies healthy coping mechanisms is important for their development. 
Whether it's a teacher, family member, or community figure, these mentors can inspire and guide him through life's challenges. 

The Joy in Hobbies

We all need healthy distractions and pursuits outside of school, work, and family. Nurturing your adolescents' passions and hobbies provides them with a creative outlet for self-expression. Personal fulfillment and a sense of accomplishment are paramount to engaging in activities that one enjoys. 

If your son or daughter is struggling with their behavioral health and caught in a cycle of unhealthy coping mechanisms, call Stonewater Adolescent Recovery Center today. We are a family owned and operated adolescent treatment program that knows how difficult it is to watch a loved one suffer. Let us help you get your child back, better.