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3 Common Misconceptions About Adolescent Mental Health

Written by Stonewater Recovery | Nov 15, 2021 5:00:00 AM
Mental health discussions mostly target adults but leave out teens and kids, jeopardizing their treatment needs. Mental health disorders can affect anyone, regardless of age, sex, race, and community status. While misconceptions about mental health problems continue to spread, parents should ensure they monitor their kids for behavioral changes. If something is amiss, you should seek immediate professional help at a rehab center. Stonewater Adolescent Recovery Center can provide invaluable information, resources, and tools, unlike the misconceptions you can get from the general public. Your teen can overcome their mental health condition with the right treatment. To learn more about our teen mental health treatment program, contact us today at 662.373.2828.

1. Medications Are the Only Way to Treat Adolescent Mental Health Disorders

It is vital to understand that no single treatment method can work for all teens because everyone's mental health condition is different. While medication can work in certain situations, it depends on several factors, such as the individual's health history. Pharmaceutical treatment can offer better results when combined with other techniques, including self-help programs, support groups, and evidence-based therapies. The misconception impacts many individuals struggling with behavioral conditions. Research shows that many cases go unreported as people fear the shame and embarrassment they associate with this condition. What is the fact? Mental health disorders are either neurological or biological. Professionals can address environmental and physiological factors through lifestyle changes and talk therapy. Uncovering the underlying issues enables care providers to use holistic approaches for effective treatment. If you suspect your adolescent child has a mental problem, do not assume willpower alone can overcome the devastating situation. It would help to seek professional help because your teen can access proper treatment for the condition at rehab. Your child can benefit from adolescent mental health treatment through individualized programs such as:

2. Teens With Mental Health Disorders Are Violent

Many people are quick to blame mental health when violence occurs. The misconception is wrong because it assumes that all individuals with mental health problems are dangerous, and they are the only ones who can commit heinous acts. Many factors can contribute to violent behaviors, including:
  • Aggressive behavioral history
  • Antisocial beliefs and attitudes
  • Inadequate information-processing and social cognitive abilities
  • Drug and alcohol abuse
  • Severe emotional distress
  • Improper behavior control
While sometimes poor adolescent mental health can cause violence, not all cases are the same. Experts reveal that individuals with mental health problems are at a higher risk of self-harm than hurting others. Educating your child on the truth about mental health and violent behaviors can undo this misconception.

3. Poor Parenting Is the Cause of Mental Health Issues in Teens

A combination of environmental and biological elements causes mental health problems. While it is critical for parents to ensure their children's well-being, experts cite inherited traits and environmental factors as the primary causes of mental health disorders in teens. Parents should ensure support and safety at home, but this does not mean poor parenting is to blame for mental health issues. During the adolescence stage, kids undergo emotional, psychological, and physical changes that can cause behavioral changes. Monitor your child for the signs of anxiety and offer help when necessary.

Contact Stonewater Adolescent Recovery Center Today

If left untreated, a mental health disorder can ruin your child's life. Fortunately, adolescent mental health treatment at rehab can help, regardless of the teen's current situation. If your loved one is exhibiting suspicious behaviors, do not assume everything is okay without consulting a therapist. Contact Stonewater Adolescent Recovery Center at 662.373.2828 for a customized rehab treatment plan and aftercare services.