Lifelong Recovery Lived

Ways Parents Can Help to Reduce Their Children's Anxiety

Written by Stonewater Recovery | Nov 15, 2021 5:00:00 AM
Young people today face a unique set of circumstances that are likely to inspire a lot of anxiety. A global pandemic, civil unrest, lockdowns, school closures, unemployed parents, and much more can be contributing to the development of mental health issues in your teen, including generalized anxiety disorder. While an anxiety treatment program may be the best solution, there are some other things you as a parent can do to help your teen who is suffering from anxiety. At Stonewater Adolescent Recovery Center, our team uses a holistic approach to anxiety and mental health treatment. Learn how your teen may benefit from the many adolescent treatment programs offered to get him on the road to recovery by calling 662.373.2828.

Understanding Teen Anxiety

Current circumstances may be contributing to your teen's anxiety issues, but feeling anxious during adolescence is nothing new or unusual. The significant changes, new challenges, hormonal fluctuations, and growing responsibilities connected with coming of age can lead any child to feel anxiety. It's important to understand that anxiety is a totally normal, and even helpful, feeling for anyone to have. It lets us know that all is not well at the moment to identify unsafe or overly stressful situations to avoid or better handle them. However, anxiety can become overwhelming for some to the point of being counterproductive, and at a certain point, it can become a disorder. This situation makes it essential to get your teen dual diagnosis treatment to cope with their anxiety.

How to Help Your Teen Manage Anxiety

If you have a teenager who struggles with anxiety, you may not be able to offer a cure-all remedy that will make it disappear, but there are some strategies you can employ that can help them work their way through their fear and discomfort. Check out the following teen anxiety treatments you can look to next time your child needs your help.

Be Communicative

Daylight is one of the best remedies for anxiety. That means your teen can face their fears by acknowledging them and candidly discussing them with you. Once the fears have been identified, conquering them can begin. Sometimes a frank discussion about anxiety is all that it takes to reduce the power it has over your teen. Other times it takes far more than that. Whatever the case may be, an open line of communication is a great starting place for combatting teen anxiety.

Remind Them That Anxiety is Normal

Nearly everyone has experienced some form of anxiety, particularly when they were teenagers, and that's an important thing to discuss with your child as they learn to cope with their anxiousness. Telling your teen about the fears and worries you had at their age can help them connect with you and better understand how common anxiety is.

Acknowledge Their Fear

It may not be something you can easily understand, but your child's fear is very real to them. Unfortunately, dismissing it can be detrimental to your relationship and their mental health. Allow them to express their anxieties without fear of judgment, or they may develop a whole new set of anxieties to go along with the old ones.

Mental Health Counseling

Sometimes self-care and candid discussion are not enough. When your child's anxiety becomes an impediment to their everyday life, it may be time to consider mental health counseling. A professional counselor can help your child understand their anxiety and identify both its source and any triggers. Then, they can learn to avoid or cope with them healthily.

Learn More at Stonewater Adolescent Recovery Center

The adolescent years can take a toll on any teenager. Finding ways to reduce their anxiety can help them begin the journey of life. They'll have the opportunity to use healthy coping skills and management techniques. If your teen displays signs that anxiety has taken hold, find out how the programs can help them regain control. Stonewater offers a wide variety of therapy options. These can help a teenage boy to overcome and manage signs and symptoms of anxiety, including: If you're interested in learning more about how to help your child manage their anxiety, contact Stonewater Adolescent Recovery Center at 662.373.2828 today.