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4 Tips for Utilizing Remote IOP

Choosing the best treatment for you or a loved one is a big decision. You must decide if you need to be in care around the clock in a residential facility or if you can benefit from treatment through an intensive outpatient program (IOP). Thankfully, today, many flexible options are available to receive treatment for substance use and mental disorders, like online IOP treatment for adolescents. Telehealth becomes more mainstream each day as technology and services continue to develop and evolve. While we do not have a remote IOP at this time, we want to give you information about potential treatment options. Give the Stonewater Adolescent Recovery Center team a call today to learn more about all of your treatment options.

What Is a Remote IOP?

A remote IOP is just like an in-person IOP, except that you don't have to come to a treatment facility to get treatment physically. One of the most significant benefits of a traditional in-person IOP has always been that your son or loved one does not have to participate in residential treatment to receive care. They can go home at the end of the day and sleep in their bed, spend time with family, and attend work or school. The added advantage of a remote IOP is that the treatment can take place anywhere, not just at an outpatient facility. For teens, having this kind of flexibility can make the idea of getting help more palatable. There are certainly advantages to being around family and familiar settings while receiving treatment. Just because this type of treatment is remote does not mean it's easier. Boys must be dedicated to their recovery, take advantage of being in a sober home environment, and lean on family and friends for support to find success.

How to Make the Most of a Remote IOP

Customize Treatment

Make treatment your own by customizing an individual recovery experience for you. Give yourself every advantage to succeed by utilizing the flexibility of a remote IOP. Treatment professionals work with you side by side to make sure your unique needs are met as part of your treatment plan.

Open Up

Because you'll be receiving treatment in a safe space, like your own home, you should feel comfortable sharing as much as you can as part of your therapy. Many who are uncomfortable sharing in larger group settings find it much easier to share in a virtual format. You can have peace of mind knowing that even this remote option follows all HIPAA rules and keeps all information shared private and safe.

Be Involved

You'll get the in-person benefits without physically being there. Therefore, you should be sure to take full advantage of your IOP program, even remotely. It's not an excuse to slack off and get away with the bare minimum. Doing very little will not help you find the path to a successful recovery. You will get out of the program what you put into it.

Create Consistency

If there's one thing many teens have probably been missing, it's a routine. Even though this treatment option is remote IOP, you can keep to a regular schedule of treatment and appointments. This level of consistency so that your recovery is an important component of your treatment. You'll find long-term success in recognizing and dealing with triggers and developing healthy coping skills.

Seek Support at Stonewater Adolescent Recovery Center

It's essential to know how your teen can receive the support they need as they battle a substance use disorder. Our world has changed amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. Drug and alcohol rehab programs have worked hard to provide alternative methods of receiving much-needed treatment. At our residential treatment center, we are committed to helping teens understand the underlying causes of substance use. Our adolescent treatment center offers a variety of treatment options, including:
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) program
  • Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) program
  • Experiential therapy programs
  • Family therapy and support services
  • Adventure and nature therapy
To learn more about treatment at Stonewater Adolescent Recovery Center, call our team at 662.373.2828 today.

What to Expect When Your Child Goes to Treatment   

What to Expect When Your Child Goes to Treatment

More than half a million families put a child into residential treatment for adolescents each year. If your family is taking this step, you are not alone - even if it may feel that way. With a clear understanding of what to expect, and trusted guides walking alongside you, this moment can be transformed from a time of fear and uncertainty to the beginning of a new and positive journey. Let's begin.