Does Insurance Cover Substance Use Treatment?

For adolescent males needing substance use, mental health or dual diagnosis treatment, we can help. We have the skills and the trained professionals to provide what you need. You may also be asking yourself, does insurance cover substance use treatment? In many cases, insurance will cover the cost of treatment. Some insurance plans will cover it entirely, while others may only cover parts of it. At Stonewater Adolescent Recovery Center, we can verify your insurance
, so you can get the substance use help you need and deserve. We can also provide you with all the information you need about what your policy will cover. That will help you decide on the right course of action for you or your loved one's treatment needs.
Getting the Right Treatment Help Matters
When it comes to getting help as an adolescent, you want an option that's right for your needs. At Stonewater in Oxford, Mississippi, we only treat adolescent males facing substance use issues. With the CDC reporting that nearly half of students have tried alcohol by their senior year in high school, you are not alone in the substance issues you may be facing. Marijuana, cigarettes, and prescription medications that do not belong to them are also commonly used in high school. Sometimes substance use can begin as early as middle school. We can help, as our family has been through this. We understand what works and what doesn't. We use this knowledge to help you succeed at conquering any substance use concerns you're experiencing. We can help and provide support with the many benefits of our programs, including:- Accessible treatment
- Quality services
- Dual diagnosis program
- Licensed to treat mental health
- Fly fishing program for relaxation and enjoyment
- Volunteering opportunities
- DBT and adventure therapy
- Purpose-focused programming
- Faith-optional programming