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How Do I Decipher Between My Teen's Hormones or Their Mental Health Issues?

Teenagers are infamously known for talking back, contemptible attitudes, and their salty way of knowing more than you do. Going from hot to cold is typical everyday behavior for an adolescent who is experiencing a shift in their hormones. Not only are they enduring continuous growth spurts, they have nonstop hormones pulsing through their veins that shift their brains into overload. The emotional and physical changes that take place during this very normal teen rite of passage, can cause anxiousness, confusion, and sensitivity because of the uncomfortable adjustments that are taking place in the mind and the body. Someone that suffers from mental health issues also develops alterations of the mind and the body. Depression and anxiety symptoms can mimic that of teenage hormonal changes. Contact Stonewater Adolescent Recovery Center today to learn more about teen dual diagnosis treatment.
  • Feeling tired and sleeping all day
  • Poor concentration
  • Short attention span
  • Confusion
  • Brain fogginess
  • Isolation
  • Extreme moodiness
  • Self-esteem issues
When you have a teenager who also suffers from a mental health disorder, you can be uncertain as to what you are looking for with your child. Deciphering between the two can be distinguished by knowing some of the signs to look for.

Are they happy?

While teenagers may get away with being disrespectful and sarcastic at times, being content and happy is what you should be looking for within them. Listen to how your teen communicates. With statements such as nobody likes me, no one would care if I died, or this life is not for me, you can detect that something is wrong and get them the help that they need.

What are they avoiding?

They may be trying to dodge you as their parent, but teens live to hang out with their friends. If you see your teenager skipping plans with friends altogether to stay in their room all day, this could be a sign of depression or anxiety that should be addressed immediately.

Are they sleeping and eating?

Teens typically sleep late, take naps throughout the day, and go to bed as late as they can get away with while eating tons of junk food in between. Seeing an adolescent having difficulty sleeping and eating or not wanting to get out of bed at all, can indicate something else is going on with them. Mental health issues can be debilitating for an adolescent and should be considered carefully if you start seeing some changes that do not seem right to you. If you are unsure of what you are seeing and feeling, find a professional to run the symptoms by which you are concerned about. By ruling out a mental illness, your teen can get back to just being an unruly teenager.

Stonewater Adolescent Recovery Center leads the way with progressive, evidence-based programming to most effectively treat each individual adolescent while focusing on the uniqueness of each client. Healing the mind, the body, and the spirit as one in the same can make the biggest difference in staying sober.

Call us today to learn more about how you can be helping your teen:
