Should I Be Tracking My Teen's Location?

When Apple added a location tracker as a feature on their phones, parents everywhere jumped for joy. Having full access to their teen's constant whereabouts has become a game changer for some parents to relax while their teen is out with their friends. This feature on your phone may be too good to be true and considering the pros and cons is important to think about before you begin using something that could entirely change the dynamics of your household.
Location tracking does not give a full picture.
Just because you know where your teen is does not necessarily mean that you know what they are doing. There is more to the equation than just their location. Gaining a better idea of what is going on at their friend's house, for example, will take some gathering of information on your part.Location tracking may be the consequence to their actions.
Some teens may not give you any reason to track them although others will. If your teen is not following your rules, then you may need to track them when they go out until they can gain your trust back.Location tracking could hurt your relationship.
If teens feel like they do not have any privacy, it could make them act out and try to avoid you at all costs. Teens will become resourceful in keeping you from knowing where they really are by leaving their phone in one location and going to another. Location tracking can cause them to become unsafe or dishonest while breaking the trust for both of you along the way.Location tracking could help them to say no.
When a teen is feeling pressured to do something they do not want to do, they could use your location tracking as an excuse to get out of anything that makes them uncomfortable. They can easily say no to going anywhere trouble lies ahead on you knowing you are tracking them and deflect being grounded.Location tracking can keep a teen from learning responsibility.
Discovering independence is a normal course for teens to shoulder. A teenager who knows their parents are tracking them may not find the value in trying to comprehend how to be culpable with their actions. Since you are tracking them, they may think that you expect them to do the wrong thing. Your teen may then rebel to teach you a lesson. Every teen is different, and you may have a case to track or not to track them. Check your motives to see where your obligation to your teen should be so you can base your decision off what is best for everyone involved.Stonewater Adolescent Recovery Center offers long term residential treatment programs for addiction recovery. Our programs involve the whole family for foundation building, life cleansing change.
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