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What Signs Show My Teen Is Suffering from OCD?

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a condition that affects people of all ages. OCD is considered a neurobiological disorder causing the brain to function with irregularity. The disorder consists of two separate parts - the obsession and the compulsion.


This part of the disorder centers around the racing thoughts that overtake the brain to relieve the pressure the compulsion creates. Recurrent, inappropriate, persistent, and invasive ideations make life unbearable for someone with OCD. All humans must deal with everyday worries, but the worries accompanying OCD are typically irrational and improbable.


This part of the disorder consists of repeated behaviors to decrease the anxiety the obsession generates. Counting, cleaning, touching, or inspecting their surroundings are common compulsions associated with OCD, although they vary from person to person. Teens who have obsessive-compulsive disorder could have developed the disorder as early as 8 to 10 years old. The problem with developing the condition during childhood or the teenage years is that many kids are unaware of what is happening internally and do not realize they have a treatable condition. They frequently feel misunderstood without a way to articulate what they are experiencing. Feeling oddly different and tormented by the symptoms of OCD, students can also suffer academically even though they often have an above average level of intelligence. The Anxiety and Depression Association of American describes teenagers with OCD with this explanation, Students with OCD may appear to be daydreaming, distracted, disinterested, or even lazy. They may seem unfocused and unable to concentrate. But they are really very busy focusing on their nagging urges or confusing, stressful, and sometimes terrifying OCD thoughts and images. They may also be focused on completing rituals, either overtly or covertly, to relieve their distress. Getting treatment for a teen who has OCD is important so that they can get relief from the obsessions and the compulsive behavior. There is no cure for OCD, but the disorder can be treated with therapy to process why the brain is creating the obsessions and compulsions which usually stem from deeper issues. Having patience and trusting the therapeutic process to overcome OCD is important in helping a teenager sort out their thoughts and actions.   Stonewater Adolescent Recovery Center leads the way with progressive, evidence-based programming to most effectively treat each individual adolescent while focusing on the uniqueness of each client. Healing the mind, the body, and the spirit as one in the same can make the biggest difference in staying sober.

Call us today to start living your recovery:  662-598-4214