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Body Dysmorphia in Adolescents Can Be More Than the Pains of Peer Pressure

Body dysmorphia in adolescents is an issue that many people choose not to talk about. However, your teen may struggle with this problem, and be unwilling to tell you. To learn more about why it is so important to talk to your child about this struggle, contact Stonewater Adolescent Recovery Center today. Our teen mental health treatment center provides the support young people need during this often turbulent period in their lives.

Body Dysmorphia in Adolescents in the News

For the  Huffington Post , contributing author and counselor Wendy Adamson writes about body dysmorphic disorder in adolescents. For generations, youth have been the target of harmful marketing and advertising encouraging them to be cool. The word, cool has caused a number of identity crises over the years. For instance, this concept leaves one generation after the next with complex insecurities about themselves and the way they look. What is cool can be a fashion trend, a music trend, or a trend started by someone at school. However, it leaves our sweet adolescents find themselves struggling to be accepted by their peers. Adamson explains, In today's world, with the onslaught of photoshopped images, the media has trained our youth to strive for unrealistic goals. Unrealistic goals create unrealistic ideals and what youth consider to be standards . Too many parents have had to witness the absolute angst and panic of their teen who doesn't have the right shoes, the right backpack, or the right hairstyle. This fantasy of fitting is so real for our children that they feel it is a matter of life or death. Survival of the fittest has transformed. Unfortunately, these drastic times call for drastic measures. Many symptoms of insecurity and peer or social pressure develop in adolescence. As Adamson comments, Sadly, many of these individuals are now turning to repeated plastic surgery procedures to help them feel all right. Body dysmorphia, Adamson elaborates, "…usually relates to one's own personal body image. However, it can also be related to anorexia, bulimia, or compulsive overeating as well.

Help Your Child at Stonewater

Body dysmorphia in adolescents is becoming common. Beyond a normal case of adolescent insecurity, body dysmorphia involves obsession, ruminating thoughts, and a distinct change in character based on this perceived flaw. Adolescents will stop socializing or participating in their favorite activities because of the way they feel about their looks. Worse, they are terrified of being rejected or judged by their peers due to their imperfections. At Stonewater, we understand how hard it can be when your teen is struggling with body dysmorphia in adolescents. We also know how challenging it is when they have forgotten their worth and turn to substance in order to be accepted. As such we offer residential addiction treatment for adolescents. We have used each of these programs extensively, so we know that they are useful in helping teens. Some of your teen's treatment options may include:

At Stonewater Adolescent Recovery Center, we offer faith-based substance use and mental health treatment for adolescent boys. Therefore, we know that our children are made through the love of God and created perfectly. Jeremiah 1:5 brings comfort that He knew the magnificence and unique beauty of our children before He formed them in the womb.

If you sense your loved one may be forgetting their special beauty and place in the world, early intervention is the most effective way to help. This program will disrupt the development of an eating disorder, depression, anxiety, or substance use. Stonewater Adolescent Recovery Center offers valuable information on bringing healing and peace into your child's life. To learn more about your teen's treatment options for body dysmorphia in adolescents, contact Stonewater Adolescent Recovery Center at 662.373.2828.

What to Expect When Your Child Goes to Treatment   

What to Expect When Your Child Goes to Treatment

More than half a million families put a child into residential treatment for adolescents each year. If your family is taking this step, you are not alone - even if it may feel that way. With a clear understanding of what to expect, and trusted guides walking alongside you, this moment can be transformed from a time of fear and uncertainty to the beginning of a new and positive journey. Let's begin.