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Your Family Isn’t Broken: 5 Ways to Build A Better Future When Your Adolescent is in Treatment

Family Therapy

Something that’s not readily talked about enough is what the family does while their child is in treatment. Behavioral health issues are emotionally and physically exhausting to deal with. It can be tempting to view the 30-60-90 days that your teen is in treatment as a reprieve where you’re free to take a deep breath and recover. That’s true and you should. But it’s worth reading this blog to learn about a few other ways you and your family can spend the time you have to heal, rebuild, and grow into the next phase of your family’s journey. Here are five ways families can utilize this time to heal themselves and strengthen their bonds.


Attend Family Therapy Sessions


Make it a priority to speak with the adolescent rehab program your child is attending and ask about their family program. Any program worth their salt will offer family therapy as part of their treatment approach. These sessions usually occur over a period of a few days and provide a safe, mediated environment where family members can learn about the disease of addiction, explore their feelings, address any underlying issues, and learn how to effectively communicate with each other. Active participation in family therapy can improve relationship dynamics, resolve long-standing conflicts, and lay the foundation for a healthier family dynamic moving forward. 


Engage in Individual Therapy


Family therapy is important. So is individual therapy. It’s highly encouraged that family members find and utilize their own therapist. We’ve all got our own challenges, emotions, and experiences that affect our day-to-day lives and these can be dramatically altered by family members and events. Working on oneself with a therapist provides an opportunity for self-reflection, processing, and personal growth. Whether it's examining feelings of guilt or resentment, managing stress and anxiety, or improving self-esteem, individual therapy can empower family members to navigate this period with resilience and strength.


Explore Support Groups


It is important to remember that everything going on within isn’t happening in a vacuum. There are other people out there that have experienced similar situations with family. Connecting with these people can provide invaluable insight, support, and validation. Groups like Al-Anon or Alateen that are tailored to family members of those suffering from substance abuse can be greatly beneficial. These groups offer a sense of community, understanding, and encouragement. Sharing experiences, insights, and coping strategies with others can help family members feel less isolated and more empowered.


Practice Self-Care


We often hear how family members get so focused on their teen’s struggles and recovery that they neglect their own needs. While common, it’s an unhealthy practice. Self-care is essential for maintaining emotional, mental, and physical well-being. Allocate time into your weekly routine for activities that bring joy, relaxation, and rejuvenation. Nothing is too small be it exercise, meditation, spending time in nature, or pursuing hobbies and interests. Prioritizing self-care enables family members to recharge and better support themselves and their adolescent.


Reconnect & Rebuild


Make the most of the time apart from your loved one while they are in treatment. Reconnect with family members and rebuild relationships that may have gotten strained or neglected while you were busy holding everything together. Plan meaningful activities together, such as family dinners, game nights, or outings. Focus on fostering open communication, trust, and empathy within the family unit. By strengthening your bonds and creating positive experiences together, you lay the foundation for a healthier, more resilient family dynamic moving forward.


Start the Path Towards Healing


Stonewater Adolescent Recovery Center is a family owned and family oriented adolescent treatment program. We know firsthand the damage that living with a loved one who is struggling can cause. We also know the reward of working together as a family unit to heal and grow together. Call us today for help with your teen and let us help you get your child, and family, back better.