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What You Should Look for in a Rehabilitation Center for Your Teen

Choosing the right adolescent treatment center is a tough decision during an already difficult time. Rehabilitation centers vary widely in their treatment approaches and capabilities, so choosing the best one is not a simple matter. You must select the unique method that fits your teen's situation and needs. Our Stonewater Adolescent Recovery Center professional team provides compassionate and effective treatments for adolescent boys. We carefully evaluate individual residents to determine the most effective programs for their treatment. Learn more about what you should look for in an adolescent rehab center by calling 662.373.2828.

Factors to Consider when Choosing a Teen Rehabilitation Center

When making such a big decision, there are many factors to consider. At a glance, families should take into account all of the following criteria:
  • Team qualifications and licensing
  • Appropriateness of programs for their teen
  • Family support and involvement
  • Aftercare programs
  • Schooling accommodations
There are many more points to consider beyond this list to find the right fit. Call our compassionate team today to learn more about what you should look for in an adolescent treatment center.

Comprehensive Treatment Programs

Becoming a resident of a residential teen rehabilitation center is a move towards a more comprehensive approach to treatment. These centers differ from external counseling or other therapies because the resident is fully immersed. A center must account for all aspects of a youth's treatment and recovery to ensure effective and long-lasting results. At Stonewater Adolescent Recovery Center, we treat the whole person. This means providing support for the addiction and any underlying mental health conditions. We use various methods to get to the root cause of each individual's addiction. Then, we create a well-rounded treatment plan to set them up for success. Some of the therapies that we offer our residents are:
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)
  • Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT)
  • Family recovery support therapy
  • Adventure and nature therapy
  • Art therapy
  • Music therapy
  • Fly fishing therapy
At the center, your teen should have access to around-the-clock support. There should be opportunities for teenage health counseling from trained professionals on a daily basis. The scheduling and planning should provide residents with enough time for healthy and safe activities within their peer groups and under qualified supervision.

Teen Rehab Centers Use Professional Evaluations and Assessments

The best centers provide structured, ongoing evaluations and assessments of their residents' continuing teen health and wellness. These evaluations are vital to determining the success of treatment programs and identifying when changes are necessary. Assessments should cover psychological, social, and medical factors. When choosing a teen rehabilitation center, ask about its evaluation structure. Do they run evidence-based evaluations or track and monitor progress over time? Assessments at treatment centers should follow industry standards by using assessments with proven effectiveness in real-world applications.

Demographic Specific Programs and Treatment

There are many different types of rehabilitation centers out there, generally targeting specific age groups and genders. Centers should focus on the programs and activities best suited to their demographics. There is no generic solution to any aspect of treatment, from teenage health counseling to recreational activities. Stonewater Adolescent Recovery Center chooses dual diagnosis treatment programs that give our adolescent boy residents the best results. This gives them an environment to better engage in healthy social activities and teenage self-care. Fostering the appropriate culture for residents can be crucial in improving outcomes.

Why Rehabilitation Centers for Teenagers Are Important

Teen rehabilitations are not merely a place for your teen to stay while under professional supervision and away from negative influences. They provide specialized mental health treatments. It would help to choose a center with a professionally trained team and the appropriate licenses to provide mental health and substance use treatments. Providing teen health counseling and establishing teenage self-care regimens in residents is not a simple task. Trained professionals use tested techniques and methods from psychology and sociology to give residents the best possible outcomes. When choosing a center for your teen, a professionally trained team is essential for the best results.

Learn More About Rehab Centers for Teens at Stonewater Adolescent Recovery Center

Our professional team can provide the treatment programs and supportive environment your teen needs during rehabilitation. We offer evidence-based assessments and evaluations to ensure your teen is on the path to recovery. Contact Stonewater Adolescent Recovery Center today at 662.373.2828 or via the online contact form to learn more about how our center can meet your teen's unique treatment needs.